Senin, 15 Oktober 2007

APWKomitel - Asosiasi Pengusaha Warnet di Indonesia

Welcome to APWKomitel ( Association of Community Internet Center)

Article in English ( below are article in Indonesian langguage)

What is APW/Komitel :

A non profit business association, known in Indonesia as 'Asosiasi Pengusaha Warnet/Komunitas Telematika' and WSIS Tunis's Designated focal point for NGO in Indonesia, known as 'Association of Community Internet Center'. (doc: WSIS-II/PC-3/DOC/4-E dated 5/9/2005).

Membership consist of cybercafe (or warnet), Game center, eBusiness Center, eCommunity center, or Telecenter, WIFI hotspot, PC rentals and virtual office provider that has Internet access & services in urban cities. Nonprofit model, known as Telecenter also starnting to comeback in rural town under USO or ICT4PR(ICT for Poverty Reductions) program usually partly sponsor by Government(Bappenas) or Donor (UNDP) agencies as public private partnership(PPP) ( Geneva Action Plan Para. 6.a).

Vision :

Network of Multipurpose, Value added Internet Applications and Access Centers , empowering communities in developing countries, gateway to Global Information Society(GIS), as sustainable business model for future centers.

MCI (Multipurpose Community Internet) Center :

Is our future model of traditional cybercafe called Warnet, providing community needs with multipurpose internet applications as described in our vision.

The vision fits developing countries that needs public internet access, where penetrations of PC & Internet is low, and majority of the household do not own PC and cannot afford internet connections.

Strategy :

In order to meet our vision, we form an associations that facilitate and empower its member that consist of existing traditional cybercafe in urban and telecenter in rural with our future model of MCI Center , to develop its industry in serving the society needs with access of internet applications.

Encourage Public private partnership with governments on regulatory and sosial issues, bottom up approached by empowering the private sector cybercafe or warnet, majority are small players thru collaborations to synergize stake holder’s competency and resources.

Action Plans :

1. Promoting our member thru online & printed directory of Cybercafe (warnet), helping community in towns and cities in Indonesia find nearby cybercafe(warnet) or MCI Center. We call this concept 'Near On' suitable for Developing countries, as opposed to 'Always on' in developed countries ( Geneva Plan of Action para 6.j: Target: All villages have community access point (CAP) by 2015).

2. Developing modelof Future Cybercafe(warnet) that are community friendly. Our vision model of MCI Center, which is the title of our published book. Developing standards for O/S(Linux, Open source) , applications & Internet access.

3. Promoting Millenia eBilling Systems developed by our member, to combat cybercrime and made Internet a trusted network.

4. Action 1,2 &3 is Indonesian showcase of PPP or Multisector Partnership (MSP) for WSIS Tunis 2005 collaboration APWKomitel(NGO) with government ( Ministry of Communication and Information Tech) (Geneva Action Plan para. C8.d)

5. Provide platform for communications, advocacy( on government regulations) and collaboration between government(public) and APWKomitel's members. MOU with Open University on virtual campus for rural students in remote islands.

6. As consultant on writing book for SMCD Telecenter in rural villages (Semeru mountain, Pabelan/Borobudur), supported by Indonesian Planning Board ( Bappenas) & UNDP.

Reference :
Website : []
Discussion Forum : []
WSIS profile: [ITU Golden Book ]

I4D/ Telecenter : On Bottom up Capacity Building CVO [Articles]

Connected for Development: UN ICT TaskForce series 4 - Information Kiosks and Sustainability (download pdf files): []

Article in Indonesian langguage:

Selamat datang di forum diskusi blog APWKomitel (Asosiasi Pengusaha Warnet) di Indonesia

Diskusi sebetulnya sudah banyak dilakukan di Milis yahoogroups dengan alamat:

Arsip diskusi dapat anda lihat di arsip Milis.

Website dari APWKomitel berisi files dan dokumen, cuman sayangnya belum ter updated dan juga berisi directory warnet, gamecenter, telecenter, hotspot di Indonesia